Rob Brandsma Mindfulness Trainer
I believe there is room for joy, connection and wisdom, even under the most difficult circumstances. I have deep faith in the possibility of mindfulness and transformation, individually and collectively. Our innate capacity for self-awareness and spirituality can be cultivated, and then gives us great resilience.

Practice of meditation is my base. It helps me to cope with the difficulties of life, to  find more joy, and realize again and again that, after all, the here and now is almost always the best place to be. I am convinced of our deep social nature, and the sense of our connectedness can serve as a source of happiness. 
I love the process of learning. I love personal growth. I am a psychologist and a teacher in heart and soul. I teach mindfulness and, at De Mindfulness Academie, I train people to become mindfulness teachers themselves.
I also love writing … the craft, and the opportunity it offers to dive deeply. I write books about what it’s like to be a trainer, translated in English and other languages. And books for the general public.
What today’s world needs is more care. Key to this is enhancing our natural capacity for compassion. I teach compassion trainings. As a teacher-trainer I am affiliated with the Center for Mindful Self Compassion.
For years I was struggling to find clarity and peace in the midst of the reality of the worldwide ecological crisis. I found a path towards realistic hope and transferred it into a brand new training: Mindfulness for the World
I realize that I am blessed to be in the position that I can for my livelihood by offering contemplative practices to the world. To my teachers, to my students: thank you.

Look, read and listen to what fits your mindfulness practice most right now

Want to become a compassion or mindfulness trainer?

I would be happy to support you!

Mindfulness Books for Teachers


The Mindfulness Teaching Guide

In The Mindfulness Teaching Guide, you’ll learn three essential skills for teaching mindfulness: how to guide mindfulness practice, how to explore mindful inquiry, and how to give didactic presentations.


Guía para la enseñanza del mindfulness

Si queremos perfeccionar nuestras habilidades de enseñanza, esta guía nos ofrece un enfoque práctico y sistemático. Incide en tres habilidades esenciales para enseñar mindfulness: cómo dirigir la práctica, cómo explorar la indagación consciente y cómo ofrecer presentaciones didácticas.


Insegnare mindfulness: una guida

Non è tecnica e protocollo, ma un supporto per il rafforzamento del proprio embodiment della consapevolezza. Non offre regole assolute, né un programma dettagliato da seguire, né tracce scritte per la meditazione guidata, ma stimola ogni istruttore a trovare il proprio stile e le proprie parole.


마음챙김 명상 지도의 실제

MBSR 창립자 존 카밧진은 “이 책은 광범위하고 우아하며, 미묘하면서도 동시에 엄격하고 정직하다. 마음챙김을 지도하려는 진지한 열망을 가진 사람에게 대단히 유용하다.”라고 소개한다.
마음챙김 명상을 지도하는 지도자는 스스로 마음챙김을 체현해야 한다. 이 책은 명상 지도자와 임상가가 마음챙김을 체현하며 명상을 지도하는 데 도움이 되는 실용적이고 체계적인 안내를 제공한다.

To receive, first you’ll have to open your hand.

Rob Brandsma in Every Day Mindfulness